Hire Purchase Piano – Prison for Fraudulent Conisbrough Miner

December 1931

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 18 December 1931

Hire Purchase Piano

Prison for Fraudulent Conisbrough Miner

Summoned at Doncaster on Saturday for the theft of a piano as bailee, George Hodgson, miner of 20, Chambers Avenue, Conisborough, was sent to prison for three months. It was stated that he a piano valued at £32 and sold it for £9 after only two instalments had been paid.

Mr. W. L. Crawford sent the terms were that Hodgson should pay 15s. a month from January 7th and only too instalments had been raid. The company ascertained that the piano had been sold to a man named Dunn, general dealer of Conisborough. Mr Dunn purchased the piano front Hodgson for £10 and handed it over to the owners.

Thomas William Baker of Scarborough, an employee at the firm, said he had issued the agreement to Hodgson, and his wife signed it.

James Arthur Dunn said he visited Hodgson’s home on May 7th and made enquiries about the piano. He offered Hodgson £9 and he accepted the offer.

Hodgson said he had been to Batley for a fortnight and on returning found the piano had gone. He was told it had been fetched back. The instalments had not been paid because he had been ill and had been out of work. He pleaded that he knew nothing about the piano until it came to the house. He earned on the average £2 15s a week.