South Yorkshire Times September 8th, 1951
Holme Moss Opens New Era
Scope for the All – Purpose Set
Holme Moss and its inevitable publicity have pushed the radio-television controversy out of all perspective. Now comes the Radio Show in London with the accent on television, and the radio set experiences yet another set-back in the popularity stakes.
Popularity Issue
One of the more interesting controversies surrounding television is this question as to which will prove the more popular —radio or television, an issue which is not likely to be settled for some years. Renewed interest in the screen medium has, of course. forced the radio set somewhat out of the picture, and the demands of Northern dealers at the Radio Show indicates that this position will remain for sonic time.
From the point of view of the argument for and against television, however, the reports from the Radio Show are somewhat misleading. Radio manufacturers, it is suggested, may ration television receivers for the new reception areas as a result of the first four days of the Radio Show.
Priority for North
Demands from these dealers amounted to many thousands, and at present priority is being given to the North, where Holme Moss opens on October 12th. This, one might suggest, is an immediate reaction to something new—for television is comparatively new—and then, again, price comparisons will curtail to some extent, the potential demand for receivers.
Newly-weds may think twice before making a television set a “must” in their budget plans, but are unlikely to resist a reasonably priced radio set.
The manufacturer or radio dealer may seek some satisfaction in his immediate sales increases in coming months. That they will increase their turnover appreciably is little question.
Television will command an ever-increasing audience this winter, but perhaps once the novelty has worn off and spring comes around next year, the radio set will find its own place once more as the accepted source of entertainment for the family.
Ideal Solution
The ideal solution to all this, of course, is the radio-set-cum-television set, with, for good measure, a radiogram thrown in. Here we have three principal means of entertainment provided as a compact entity, one competing fairly with another, and not demanding exclusive attention.
It is appreciated, however, that it will be many years before such a combination is brought within the range of the average £7-£10 weekly wage. Until such a state in reached, radio sales may waver, but never slump.