Horse Bolts Along the Railway at Conisborough

October 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 17 October 1902

Horse Bolts Along the Railway at Conisborough

A horse belongs to Mr C Kilner, glass bottle manufacturer, of Conisborough, took fright on Friday afternoon last one standing near the works.

Mr G.H. Kilner had just alighted from the trap when the animal bolted, dragging the groom, who had hold of its head, several yards. When passing over the bridge the trap caught against a railing and broke the shafts, throwing the horse down the railway embankment, a depth of at least 9 feet.

Although apparently uninjured, the animal continued to career down the line, and passing through the long tunnel at Sprotbrough, bolted to Hexthorpe, where it ran into a railway wagon and was caught. Except for a pair of glazed knees, the annual appears to be little worse for its mad career.

The horse, which is a very valuable one, passed two trains on its journey, and reached Hexthorpe in the space of about four minutes after the occurrence