Hospital Sunday at Conisbrough – Successful Gathering

July 1891

Mexborough and Swinton Times July 17, 1891

Hospital Sunday at Conisbrough

Successful Gathering

Speeches by Mr Godfrey Walker, J.P., The Vicar, Mr Kilner and Doctor McCall

The first open air Sunday service of sacred music for the benefit of the Mexborough Montagu cottage Hospital and the Doncaster infirmary was brought off with eclat at the second time of asking on Sunday.

It will be remembered that the gathering was originally fixed for the previous Sunday, and that, in fact, an attempt was made to carry out the programme, but in consequence of the rain it was decided to adjourn it for a week in the hope that Jupiter Pluvius would restrain his hands were next Conisbrough was asked to show its practical interest in so good and deserving a movement as that which has for its object the benefiting of the institutions named above.

Some there were who held that on the first occasion the heavens were provoked to tears by the reiterated invocation to dampness containing such lines as, for instance, the following:

“Sing to the Lord; exalt Him high,

Who spreads the clouds amongst the sky

There he prepares the fruitful rain

Nor lets the drops descend in vain,”

the peculiar suggestive chorus, “The Heavens are telling,” but the accuracy of their ingenious theory received a rude shock when, on the repetition of the sentiment, the sky above gave back no answering frown, but blessing the gathering with a glorious sunshine.

The procession of the previous Sunday was not repeated. The chorus and band assembled in the 3 Acres field without any preliminaries, and the people flocked at 2:30. The attendance was very flattering, expressly when one considers that in an affair of this kind people do not, figurative speaking, like two bites at a cherry.

As before, the leading inhabitants of Conisbrough assembled in considerable force to show their undoubted sympathy.

Mr Godfrey Walker, J.P., occupied the chair, and among those present were the Reverend J.G. Ward, M.A., and Mrs Ward, Mrs C Kilner, Doctor and Mrs McCall, Mr and Mrs G.T. Nicholson, Mr W.H. Chambers, Mr and Miss Simpson, Mr H White, Mr J Gibson, Mr Dufty, Mr Sharpe, Mr Bateson, Mr T Booth, Mr Short, Mrs H Baker etc.

Although there was no procession it may be as well to mention those bodies which took part in the last week, as from the list, gathered an idea of the composition of the assembly:

Conisbrough Brass Band, Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, “Pride of Conisbrough,” Independent order of Foresters, “Court Montagu,” G Booth and Sons workmen, Kilner Brothers workmen, Nicholson Bros workmen, Walker and Crawshaw’s workmen, Denaby Main workmen, BJ Clarkson’s workmen, T Booth’s workmen, Mexborough and Conisbrough concertina band, Denaby New Colliery workmen, builders and other trades, and a number of sick and dividing societies.

The musical programme was similar to that mentioned last week and was, which is not often the case at similar gathering in this neighbourhood, of just about the right length, so that the proceedings were not drawn out to an interminable length.

There was just enough speaking, and the end came in nice time to allow people to go leisurely home to tea before divine service in the evening.

In consequence of the postponement the band and chorus were not as strong as originally intended. Many of the performers, who promised their services, and were present on the previous occasion, having to fulfil other engagements.

For all that however Mr J.L. Beardsley fronted a very respectable array of both singers and musician. Mr Brown, the harmoniumist, was a bit late arriving, and until he did his place was ably filled by Mr H White of Doncaster, organist to the Parish Church, Conisbrough.

The band, of which Mr Wilde was leader, was composed as follows:

First violins, Mrs S Wilde, J Shaw and HJ Sharpe; second, Mr Rose; Bass Mr Chadwick: Cornets, Messrs A Wilson and J Haigh; trombone, Mr C Brown.

Each performer acquitted himself well, but this cornets playing in “Kyrie and “Gloria,” from Mozart 12th Mass were elective of special applause.

The chorus included representatives from the church and chapels of the village, besides one or two from Denaby and Doncaster. Mr Beardsley, as conductor, had a somewhat difficult task with a mixed chorus, and one that could have had but few opportunities of practising together, and consequently the success that attended the musical part of the programme reflects itself in a great measure on him.

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