Sheffield Independent – Saturday 09 October 1909
Hull Coal Traffic Denaby Leading.
September the Best Month of the Year.
Though the export traffic at Hull during the month was not so well maintained, a larger volume of traffic was dealt with ; in fact, the tonnage for the the month is the best on record for present year. This is entirely due to the extra for bunker purposes at the port, for the export trade was 13,173 tons less than a year ago and 117,296 tons more were sent to the port during September.
The total tonnage was 615,120 tons during the past month, and this has gone a long way towards the liquidation the deficiency which has prevailed during the present year compared with last.
The total tonnage for the nine months of the present year was 4,449,144 tons, 52,432 tons short of the aggregate for the nine months last year.
The bullk of the coal still comes from the principal South Yorkshire firms, with the Denaby and Cadeby collieries holding outstanding prominence. Their tonnage last month, 76,944 tons, was over 27,000 in excess of a year ago and on the year’s traffic their increase was no less than third of a million tons.
The following is a list of the chief collieries and the tonnage sent during the past month and during the year: