South Yorkshire Times June 3, 1950
Conisbrough Fun Fair
Opened by Lady Mabel Smith
“If one lives in Yorkshire one can go anywhere in the county and not be a stranger,” said Lady Mabel Smith, opening a funfair in the grounds of Conisbrough Parish Church Hall on Tuesday.
Lady Mabel added “In Yorkshire we do understand one another and, I think, like one another.”
She commented that such church gatherings were good not only for their material value for their social and spiritual value. They give people the opportunity of getting together, learning each other’s problems and lending a helping hand when and where possible.
Mollie Brice presented Labour Mabel with a bouquet.
Hoopla, racing cars, rolling pennies and football skittles were only a few other many games and competitions which provided “all the fun of the fair.” Entertainment was provided during the afternoon by Miss Agnes White’s pupils of Kilnhurst.
The fair realised approximately £40 in aid of church funds, £20 less than last year’s fixture.
Stallholders were: Kitty Eames, Joyce Jones, John Platt, Robert Proctor, Frank Taylor, Geoffrey Church, Malcolm Sutton, Robert Maxfield, Jack Allcock, Bessie Millington, Doreen Pugh, Ann Curtis, Josephine Moody, Joan Randall, Elaine O’Brian, Judy Whitehouse, Sheila Plowright, Margaret Hau, Barbara Mills, Eunice Roberts, Philip Proctor, Geoffrey Nicholson, Peter Pilkington, David Peck, Roy Allen, Joy Cuttle, David Shepard, Edwin Peck, Betty Baker, Marjorie Moody, Mesdames E. Gleadall and E. Ackroyd.
Refreshments were provided by leading members of the church.