Immunisation Analysis – Move By Conisbrough Hospital Board

December 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 19 December 1942

Immunisation Analysis
Move By Conisbrough Hospital Board

Doncaster and Mexborough Joint Hospital Board are desirous of considering the effects of immunisation as far as children of school age living in the districts governed by the Board are concerned, and at Wednesday’s meeting the Clerk (Mt. Roy Bowers) was instructed to write the County Medical Officer for particulars of the percentage of children immunised, the number of children not immunised, and the number who had been ill. Coun. G. Oldfield presided.

Commenting on the Medical Superintendent’s report, which included 34 cases of scarlet fever and 31 of diphtheria, Coun. J. H. White (Mexborough), said there seemed to be an improvement in the number of cases generally.

Nevertheless, diphtheria still seemed to prevail pretty strongly in spite of immunisation.

Dr. W. J. McClure: It is simply because sufficient children have not been immunised. The greater percentage of children immunised the less the rate of diphtheria will be.