Industry Can Be Attracted To Combat Mining Run Down

February 1970

South Yorkshire Times February 21, 1970

Industry Can Be Attracted To Combat Mining Run Down – Council Chairman

Conisbrough Councillors have expressed confidence in Conisbrough and Denaby as an area which can attract industrial developers to combat the contraction of the mining industry.

Speaking to 230 guests at the first annual Dinner Dance of Denaby and Conisbrough Citizens Association, in the Denaby Baths Hall on Saturday, Council Chairman Councillor J Taylor, said, “ I feel confident that over the next two years industry is going to come into this area to supplement mining and to provide a wider variety of jobs for our young people.”


Casa Taylor expressed concern over the contraction of the mining industry, which could mean 6,000 to 10,000 new jobs will be required by 1975 in the Doncaster area.

But he felt that the efforts of the Doncaster Industrial Development Association to trap industry will be rewarded.

Councillor J.E.A. Greathead said, “With easy access by river and rail and the near proximity to the motorway, we have amenities which could well bring back to Conisbrough and Denaby Wealth and importance such as it has known before.

“Just as the Normans built a castle because it was an ideal site, so most modern industry be told of this paragon setting in South Yorkshire.”


Councillor Taylor also commented on the redevelopment of Denaby.

He said, “it has not been easy to remedy the effects of the industrial Revolution and the attitude that anything was good for a miner, but it is my hope that redevelopment will be completed as soon as time and money will permit.

“More people are having the opportunity of decent houses in which to create homes for their families, and more people be moved out of low standard houses.”

Councillor Taylor and Greathead were followed by Councillor J.C. Willetts, chairman of Mexborough Urban Council, who spoke on the rise of the Citizens Association in Conisbrough.

He said, “You have flourished mightily in 12 months, and I am proud that you sprang from our loins in Mexborough. In the future this town may be proud of your Association and its achievements.”

Councillor F Fawkes proposed a toast to the visitors.