Interesting Career of Well Known Conisbrough Business Man (picture)

April 1946

South Yorkshire Times, April 6, 1946

Interesting Career of Well Known Conisbrough Business Man

Img_0278 laycock

Mr. Leonard Lawcock of 7, Church Street, for many years a well known Conisbrough business man, who retired on Monday at the age of 63, has had an interesting career.

A native of Conisbrough – he was born at 15, Church Street, in former premises now occupied by Messrs. Warburtons’

Mr. Lawcock was the second son in a family of 13 of Mr. Leonard Lawcock, a member of well-known Braithwell family. Mr. Lawcock told a ‘Times’ reporter on Monday that his grandfather, Mr. George Lawcock, was a bootmaker, and his father, who moved to Conisbrough at the age of about 20, used to walk to Conisbrough to deliver the home-made footwear. At the age of 11, Mr. Lawcock began work selling newspapers for his father and two years later was employed at Messrs. Booth’s sawmills at five shillings a week.

Next he entered the employ of Mr. Charles Farrell, a former Conisbrough baker, at a shilling a week more at the start, but he was for three years a ‘taker-in’ at Messrs. Kilner Brother’s glassworks at nine shillings a week and ‘plush’ money, which usually brought his income up to 15s. A week.

When he was 18. Mr. Lawcock entered the service of the Post Office and remained there for 20 years as a postman until he retired on medical grounds. ‘I had earlier purchased my present premises in Church Street with a view to commencing in business

I had been ‘dealing’ for some time in furniture and other articles – and when I finished with the Post Office,’ Mr. Mawcock added. ‘I opened as a boot and shoe dealer. I had just one pair of boots, and I well remember selling the pair to Mr. Fred Leonard, who is still residing in Conisbrough. I asked him if he would let me keep the pair in the shop window for a time and he did so for three weeks.’

In 1925 Mr. Lawcock canvassed the necessary 14 subscribers required for the inauguration of the telephone exchange in Conisbrough, and this he operated in his premises in Church Street for three years, when, with the number of subscribers increased to 103, the exchange was moved to its present, more commodious premises in Station Road.

After the transfer of the exchange, Mr. Lawcock, who has been ably assisted in his business venture by his wife, added drapery to his wares. Mr. Lawcock, who has several times tried, without success, to gain Council honours, the latest time on Saturday, is leaving Conisbrough this month for Dunsville, near Doncaster, but he and Mrs. Lawcock hope to return to Conisbrough later.

The business is being carried on by their daughter-in-law, Mrs. D. M. Lawcock.