South Yorkshire Times, January 10, 1902
Interesting Gathering at Conisboro’.
A gathering of an unusually interesting character was held at the Conisboro’ Board Schools on Monday evening. The employees of the Ashfield Fire Clay and Sanitory Tube Works were invited to tea by Mr. Godfrey Walker, the chairman of the company, it being understood that the event was in commemoration of Mr. Walker’s recent marriage with Miss Anderson, of York.
Many of the married employees were accompanied by their wives, and some of the single men by their sweethearts. About 240 persons sat down to an, excellent meal, provided by Mr. G. Clarkson; and well served by a large staff of waiters. Almost immediately after tea an adjournment was made to another room, where, a magic lantern lecture was given by Mr. Tempest Anderson., of York, brother to Mrs. Godfrey Walker. The lecture was a really interesting, and instructive description of Dr. Anderson’s own travels in the Far West of America, and the pictures shown were from his own photographs. At the close a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Dr. Anderson on the proposition of Mr. Henry Saville.
A dance, interspersed with songs followed, light refreshments being served at intervals. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Walker joined in the entertainment, and among those present were the Rev. W. A. Strawbridge (the vicar) and Mrs. ,Strawbridge, ,and Mr. Godfrey Crawshaw, managing director of the firm, of Messrs. Walker and Crawshaw, who own the Ashfield works.
Music for dancing was supplied by Mr., G. W. Laughtons band, the following programme being gone through :
Overture, “Kenilworth,” Band; song, “Four Jolly Smiths,” Mr. T. Stacey ; polka, “Chin Chin Chinaman” ; song, “Midshipmite,‘ Mr. Badger; waltz, “Escamillo” ; song, “For all eternity,” Miss Urch ; lancers, “Mikado” ; song, “The wolf,” Mr. F. Hill; polka, “Admiral’s Broom” ; song, “Beautiful isle of the sea,,” Mr. Crookes; song, “The old sexton,” Mr. Stacey ; schottische, “Runaway Girl” , song, “Tit for tat,” Mrs. O. W. Laughton; polka, “See me dance.”
A hearty vote ‘of thanks was accorded to Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey ‘Walker, on the motion of Mr. Cusworth, seconded by Mr. Lewis. The proceedings concluded with the singing of “Auld lang syne” and the National Anthem.
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