It’s Dwyle Flonking Time!

June 1970

South Yorkshire Times, June 27, 1970

It’s Dwyle Flonking Time!

HEAR ye, hear ye, hear ye, the fine olde English pastime of dwyle flonking, featuring ye parish of Denaby and Ye Parish  of High Melton, will be held on the green at Conisbrough Castle on June 27th in the Year of Our Lord 1970 — and it should be a load of laughs.

Dwyle flonking is included in the Historical Pageant to be staged at the Castle tomorrow (Saturday). Proceedings will start with a procession from Conisbrough Welfare Hall at 2 p.m., which will march to the music of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Band.

Those taking part in the procession will be dressed in medieval costume. It is expected that it will arrive at Conisbrough Castle at 2.40 p.m., when Coun. J. Stewart, Chairman of Conisbrough Urban Council will open the event.

First on the programme is jousting on horseback, featuring the chain mail clad chivalry of Conisbrough. A different kind of jousting will follow.

Contenders in this event will be on bicycles, their lances will he wet mops and their shields dustbin lids.

Pie Eating

Other events on the agenda include long sword dancing by students of High Melton Training College; a pie eating com-petition—meat pies supplied by Transfields of Sheffield; a yard of ale competition; quarter staffing; maypole dancing by Conisbrough Guides; a tug of war between Tom Hill Youth Club weightlifters and Cadeby Main Colliery; a mumming play and strolling minstrels, courtesy of students from High Melton.

There’s also an out of the ordinary weight lifting contest and a queer game of polo, in which two teams of ten will try to get a white painted inner tube over poles at each end of the ground.


For dwyle flonking, one team of spectators forms a circle, while competitors within the circle try to flonk (hit) them with a dwyle (wet cloth).