Ivanhoe Castle Project in America

October 1946

South Yorkshire Times October 5, 1946

Ivanhoe Castle Project at New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Miami, Detroit, Seattle and Los Angeles

These American businessmen are certainly “go getting” fellows. Delivered at the council offices the other day was an expensive looking envelope, marked “airmail” and addressed to “Conisbrough township, South Yorkshire, England.”

In the bottom right-hand corner was the favoured direction:

“Attention chairman of Ivanhoe Castle project.”

Conisbrough is on the map no less an organisation than the “Ask Mr Foster Travel Service Inc., Of 30, Rockefeller Plaza New York – and Philadelphia San Francisco, Miami, Detroit, Seattle and Los Angeles – desires to bring the charms of Conisbrough Castle (and I hope the district) to the notice of the expansive American tourists.

VP Richard A. Goggin writes the local authority that with the approach of more normal conditions now is the time to make contact with the travelling public of the United States and Canada and offers a suggestion that his company’s service is the best medium by which to reach this public and can thereby attract the increasing flow of tourist business from across the sea to our local “project.”

They are asking for copies of Conisbrough guide books for display in America, and these are being sent. Loch Katrine must look at its laurels.