J BALL, Denaby United (picture)

30 November 1907

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 30, 1907

J BALL, Denaby United.

He’s a flier, full of fire,
Lively as a naked wire,
Old Nick’s very double.
Always working, never shirking,
Where he is there’s danger lurking,
He’s the man. for trouble.

First he’s tricking, then he’s kicking,
And for everlasting sticking,
He’s the very deuce;
Ever watching, deep schemes hatching,
Messages to goal despatching,
Up to every ruse.

Yes, young Curly’s far too early,
For the ponderous back so burly,
Or the half-back. spry
At back-heeling, and concealing,
Where he’d like to be a-stealing
He’s uncommon fly.

If he ever does endeavour
To bring off some feat quite clever,
You can bet your boots,
There are many, will give any
Odds, e’en pounds unto a penny,
That a goal he shoots.

Centres glorious, oft victorious,
Time on time from crowd uproarious
Bring a rdghty call;
“Goo on, .curly ne’er mind t’ surly ‘un,
Just, thee gooa an’ get rahnd t’ burly ‘un,
That’s Ma little Ball.”

And this treasure gives good measure,
Always likes’ to cause us pleasure,
This obliging chap;
He’s a stinger is this winger,
Football’s in. his little finger,
He’s a dead sure nap.