Denaby Utd – Denaby 2 Aston Coal Coy 2

19 January 1900

Mexborough Times, January 19

Denaby United 2 Aston Coal Company 2

Played on the grounds of the former on Saturday in dull weather, and before a small company. The match was somewhat delayed owing to the non-arrival of three of the local players, and it was ascertained that they were suffering from indisposition.

Their places were filled by representatives from the second team, and the home club was thus not up to its average strength.

Denaby lost the toss, and the visitors at once began to press. They made repeated attacks upon the Denaby goal without success, the home backs being well combined. Denaby occasionally assumed aggressive, but only one successful during the first half, when Goodlad sent a rapid shot into the net. Aston managed to score twice before the sound of the whistle, Davies being unable to stop the formidable advances.

Resuming, Denaby increased the pace, and time after time got close to the visitor´s posts. Goodwin was particularly conspicuous in these efforts, and it was chiefly due to his energy that the home team, managed to equalise. Play continued of a somewhat even character, athough Aston now and then were particularly prominent for dashing movements.

They made plucky attempt to win, but Whitehouse was well on the alert inthe goalmouth, and Hardy and Goodlad proved very useful.