Jubilee Reminiscences – Bishop of Oxford Re-Visits Denaby

September 1950

South Yorkshire Times September 30, 1950

Jubilee Reminiscences

Bishop of Oxford Re-Visits Denaby

Golden Jubilee celebrations at Denaby Parish Church opened on Wednesday with a service in the church at which the address was given by the Bishop of Oxford, Dr. Kenneth E. Kirk, a former curate at the church. Dr. Kirk recalled the “happy times ” he had had at Denaby.

They were gathered there on a very great occasion, he said, where previously men and women had only had the little mission church of St. Chad’s. His mind went back to the names and persons, and even the very conversations of those days

He recalled the time when he had to dash to London and get the architect to come back with him, with materials to finish the high altar in time for the dedication by the Bishop. He also spoke of the time when a little white kitten was lost among the organ pipes. It was only found on Christmas Day, when he stood near the altar with a saucer of milk waiting for it to come out to drink. All these memories made the life of the church real, said Dr. Kirk

It was because the clergy, and the faithful laity had wanted “to be about their Father’s business ” that they had done such good work for the church, he concluded.

The service was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A V. Roebuck and lessons were read *by the Rev. G. F. Braithwaite, Vicar of Conisbrough, and the Rev. M. J. Cuttell, curate at Denaby Parish Church

Last night members of the church met another old friend when the Rev. S. Powley, Vicar of St. Mary’s, Plaistow, and former Vicar of Denaby, gave an address.

Mr. Powley appealed to the congregation to make every Sunday a birthday and to attend church as they had done on this “great occasion.” A large congregation gave the Vicar tremendous backing and the energy to carry on the good work, he said.

The Denaby choir was augmented by choirs from Mexborough and Conisbrough churches. The service was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. A. V. Roebuck, and lessons were read by Mr. Roebuck and the Rev. A. J. Bishop, Vicar of Mexborough