Denaby & Cadeby – July 22 – Denaby 193 for 8 Collegiate 186 – A Famous Victory

22 July 1922

Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 22

A Famous Victory
Excitement at Denaby
A Rout and a recovery

Denaby 193 for 8 (E Tibbles 34, G Worthington 39, H Shoosmith 52*)
Collegiate 186 ( H Willey 52, W Allen 48)

The Yorkshire Council match between Denaby Main and Sheffield Collegiate, the first meeting of these clubs, at Denaby Main, on Saturday, was full of interesting vicissitudes. There were two distinct collapses in the Collegiate innings, and an omnious sag in that of Denaby, but 397 runs were scored in less than five hours, for the loss of 18 wickets, and Denaby won the match after having completely lost their grip of it.

It was Denaby’s first victory since the second match of the season, and it was very welcome. Not only for the fact, but for the manner of it.

Harry Shoosmith carried off the chief honours of the crisis, but is great effort was only make possible by the staunchness of his partner, H.C.Harrison, and the team were delighted with the gallant display of their captain, who is a much better bat than he has yet been able to demonstrate, at any rate in Council matches.

Collegiate won the toss, and Mr Harold Willey pondered a little before taking the option, for the wicket was very soft. However, he sent Doncaster and Leslie in and the decision seemed justified for both batsmen played Wass and Shoosmith easily and comfortably. Luther Robinson came on for Shoosmith at the football end at 57, and though. Doncaster immediately cutting for four, Eagle Leslie in the next over, the batsmen jumping into one of those notorious donkey drops and being hopelessly bowled. Wass persevered until the score reached 68 and then retired in favour of. Worthington, who immediately got amongst the wickets. Without addition to the score. He got Smith taken at second slip, and then Arthur Robinson went on for Luther and bowled Doncaster with the second ball, dismissing a dangerous batsmen who had scored 33 in very good style. At the same total Worthington sent back Rutherford, and at that stage this bowler had two for five.

However, Willey was joined by Allen and this particular pair quickly changed the complexion of the game. By free cricket they put on 89 for the fifth wicket. Allen batted eagerly and aggressively, and his captain, no less so, and they found no difficulty in getting the bowling away, though for a time, there were kept in check by keen and clever fielding.

Shoosmith came on for Worthington and Wass for Arthur Robinson, but it made no difference, and the score advanced merrily, Willey sending 100 up with a single off. Worthington. At 128 Coope was called up for Shoosmith, and William once guiding prettily through the covers for a long for, and the next over Alan straight drove wassail four, and lifted into the street boundary for another.

At 159 Luther Robinson came back and this was fatal to Allen, who threw off restraint and, jumping out to finish his 50, met the fate of Leslie. When Allen’s broad back disappeared within the Pavilion, it was Ichabod for Collegiate and the remaining five wickets were disposed of for 27 runs. Willey, who batted beautifully, remain to complete his 50, and had then after being missing the long field from a low skimming hit, he was bowled neck and crop at 168 by Luther Robinson.

The innings closed at the respectable total of 186, practically the work of four men. Of the six boys use only. Luther Robinson and Worthington were effective, Worthington to 5 for 24 and Robinson four for 33.

Denaby opened to the bowling of Smith and Leslie, and were soon in trouble, Luther Robinson been beautifully bowled by Smith when he had made a couple. Tibbles and Foster, however, settle down and seem likely to lay the foundation of victory when Holmes, a fast medium was brought on at the tennis end and Foster Miss time. In attempting a late hit on skied to the bowler. Ted Tibbles and made 33 when a sharp appeal by Holmes got it. He retired the picture of righteous indignation, having invited the umpire en route to examine his bat for evidence that he played the ball.

Narraway and Worthington were now associated, and they raise the score to 81, when the Collegiate captain, went on at the football end, and to the amusement (at first) of the crowd began to serve up seductive lobs. Narraway, taken aback, was comfounded by the first two, and jumping to the pitch of the third, was bowled. Poor Billy! I daresay he wished the earth would open and swallow him up before he could get back to the chafing colleagues in the Pavilion. But it was soon his turn to chaff. Dick Coope fared no better, for after respectfully blocking two or three of these “Mary Annes” he got one bedroom in three for our minds and he looked on helplessly as it were its way to the wicket. Worthington and Arthur Robinson made a better shape at the lobs but they were not comfortable, Willey claiming both batsmen.

At this stage Willey had taken five wickets for 20, in five overs, and 81 for three have been changed to 118 for 8. The match seemed well lost.

Shoosmith was joined by his captain and Harrison was the first man to it. The lobs with any cleanness, though Willey a Ali Field well spread and there was nothing much to be had but long singles. However, this pair still their irons in and refused to be dislodged. A bowling change made no difference, however both men hitting with fine judgement, and wasting no single either. The score mounted at a steady pace, and the hope which had died was reborn. As the haven came in sight Shoosmith with a succession of beautiful fours, supplemented by a couple from his partner, put Denaby in front of the clock and with 10 min to go a dozen were wanted. Six of these came from a hit by a Shoosmith into the cemetery, immediately followed by a couple, and his next over, Harrison batting, the match was won with four byes. Shoosmith was 48, and Collegiate stayed for another over to give him his 50, which he reached with a four.

The conquering heroes got a hearty round of applause as they retired, having snatched victory out of defeat with about 4 min to spare. The visiting captain, who made a great effort for his side, both with bat and ball, halve the Honda of the top score with Shoosmith and took five for 39.