Jumped off the Cage whilst in Motion

July 1910

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 30 July 1910

Jumped off the Cage whilst in Motion

Harry Turner, and Robert Jubb, pony drivers, Conisborough, were charged with this breach of special rule 85, in that they got off the cage whilst it was in motion.

Only Jubb appeared.

Mr Gichard said the defendants were on the pit bank, and they boarded the cage, in company with 10 other men. When the cage are descended about 6 inches, the two defendants jumped off. They might easily have been killed as a result. It was a most serious offence. Unfortunately, one of the lads was in hospital, having met with an accident since the summons was issued.

William Swingler, banks man, corroborated Mr Gichard’s statements, and said the lads might have been crushed between the cage top on the landing. If he had tried to stop then this would have been the result, but he just let them get clear off

Jubb was understood to say that they thought it was too late to go down, so they jumped off.

Recall William Swingler said the lad could have gone down much earlier if they had wished. They have been on the bank sometime.

Defendants were mulcted in the inclusive penalty of £1, with the alternative of 14 days imprisonment.