Kicking a House Door In

October 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 21 October 1892

Kicking a House Door In

Charles Yates, collier, residing at Conisborough, was summoned by Edward Sargent, the same place, for doing wilful damage to his house door on the 12th inst.

Complainant stated that about 7.30 in the night referred to his house when he heard a disturbance at the door.

Defendant was outside and kicked the door in. He was making a great disturbance. Complainant had since seen defendant who told him that he would not be present at court, but expressed regret for the defence.

The amount of damage was 5s.

Arthur Davis, a neighbour, deposed to hearing defendant make a great disturbance on the night in question. She did not seem kicked the door in.

Another witness named Ann Dudley, early disturbance and saw the defendant kick the door in. He was drunk.

The Bench fined defendant (who was absent) 30 shillings, including costs stop