Labour. Triumphs – Six Seats—and Nearly a Seventh—in Council Fights

May 1951

South Yorkshire Times, May 12th 1951

Labour. Triumphs

Six Seats—and Nearly a Seventh—in Council Fights

Labour had cause for satisfaction in the Urban Council elections at Mexborough, Conisbrough and Swinton on Saturday. They retained all the seats they defended and came within an ace of gaining a seat at Conisbrough from the Ratepayers. In addition, the Conservative attack at Mexborough was repelled.

Low Polls

In all, seven seats were contested. Labour took six—three at Mexborough, two at Conisbrough and one at Swinton—and the Ratepayers one; at Conisbrough. Everywhere polls were low, however.

Pictures from the declaration of the poll at the three centres were:

Mexborough. — In an exceptionally low percentage poll, feature was the figure for Central Ward, which for some years has been below those for other wards. Figures were: Central 39.66 per cent., East 29.21. Adwick Road 33.63.

In an expression of thanks to the Returning Officer. Mr. S. H. E. Crane, candidates congratulated each other on “clean, honest” fights (“Sociable, too,” added Coun. Bradshaw).

Mr. H. Dews said the Conservatives had not done badly for the first rime,” and added “Roil on twelve months.”

Nearly Breached


Surprise at Conisbrough was the closeness of the fight in the East Ward. Fighting his first contest. Mr. Ralph Scurfleld (Lab.), senior science master at the Sir Percy Jackson Grammar School, Woodlands, was only 14 votes behind the retiring Ratepayers’ candidate. Mr. H. S. Peet. In this traditionally Independent ward, Labour have only won twice in 30 years. “I wish I had possessed a couple of cars,” said Mr. Sr-urfleld, at the declaration of the poll.

Mr. Scurfield was congratulated by Coun. R. H. Shephard, proposing a vote of thanks to the Returning Officer (Mr. R. W. Birch) and his staff. “We hope that next year we shall win the East Ward, Coun. Shephard added.

Mr. Peet, who seconded the vote of thanks to the Returning officer, smilingly confessed: “My heart has not settled down!” As soon as the ballot boxes were opened he knew it was going to be a close fight.

Swinton.–Coun. A. H. Marriott thanked the Returning Officer (Mr. A. Maclean) and his staff for the manner in which they had “put the election through,” and thanked his opponent. Mr. C. D. Lester, for a “good fight.” Mr Lester said: “That goes for me too.