Lamp Hill Problems for Cyclists

August 1935

South Yorkshire Times August 2, 1935

Lamp Hill.

Three cases from Conisbrough of cyclists who were fined at Doncaster on Tuesday for failing to confirm to the traffic signs at Lamp Hill, Conisbrough, drew comments from the chairman, Mr. M. Nokes, who remarked that they were getting offenders from that spot at the court every week.

He asked inspector wolfe if the signs were clear. It seemed peculiar that people were constantly ignoring the sign.

Inspector Wolfe said it was true that they were getting a lot of offenders but the sign was quite clear. It was set in front of people and in addition there was a notice on the highway in letters 4 feet in length marked “No Entry.”

Mr. Nokes said it seemed clear enough, but he hoped the inspector would look into it and see if any alteration was necessary.

The inspector said he would do so.