South Yorkshire Times March 22, 1958
Land At Consibro
W.R. Offer Well Below Figure Asked
The West Riding County Council are to consider a proposal for a Compulsory Purchase Order for 6.304 acres of land fronting Old Road, Conisbrough, the property of the vicar of Conisbrough, the Rev. G. F. Braithwaite. The land is needed for a new school in Conisbrough and the County Council have offered to buy the land for £316 4s 7d. The vicar asked £600 for it. He told a “South Yorkshire Times” reporter he had been advised by several landowners that the land was worth over E1,000.
Mr. Braithwaite owns the land as vicar of Conisbrough. He said he could not afford to appeal against a Compulsory Purchase Order if one were made.