Larceny by a Bailee at Conisbrough

July 1892

Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 15th 1892

Larceny by a Bailee at Conisbrough

Naomi Clewley, described as a charwoman, of Conisborough, was summoned for converting to her own use furniture which she had obtain on the hire system from Messrs. Johnson and Appleyard, furniture dealer, Rotherham.

The defendant had signed an agreement in respect to the hiring of goods of the value of £13 5s, and payment had to be made at the rate of 2s. 6d. per week. For six weeks the payments were made, and then when the agent went to the house for the house for the money he found the goods gone and the person as well. She was found living with her mother, but only three of the articles of furniture were recovered, and they were of the value of £5. It was stated that the husband had drunk the money.”

Benjamin Bell Askham said he was agent for Messrs. Appleyard and Johnson. On the 8th January he sold a quantity of furniture to the prisoner. Instalments were to be paid at the rate of 2s. 6d. per week, and the woman paid for eight weeks. On the 26th May he went to the house to collect the instalment, and he found the premises locked up and everything and everybody gone. After making inquiries he chased the woman to the home of her mother, living on Doncaster road.

Mr. Pawson:  Had she any right to remove the goods ? – No, not without my permission.

What have you recovered?— A dresser, bed, and chair.

What is their value? — About £5.

Mr. Pawson said the amount would be reduced in order that the justices could have power to deal with the case.

The witness, was cross examined by the prisoner

She asked: Can you prove I sold the goods?— Yes.

Prisoner: Mrs. Walker had the money. — Witness: You drew the money.

Police–constable Truman said he apprehended the woman at 11. Having 30 on Saturday night, and charged her with hiving sold the things and kept the money; in reply she said her husband kept most of the money and drank it.

The Chairman (to prisoner): Are you willing to say where the rest of the goods are?—Yes, I am.

The Chairman: You had these things and disposed of them, and you are liable to three months imprisonment.

Fined £2, including costs; one month in default.