South Yorkshire Times, October 24, 1959
Last of The Redundancies
Position at Cadeby Now Quite Good
Rumours of large-scale redundancies at Denaby and Cadeby Collieries were this week denied that the sectors of both N.U.M. branches concerned.
Councillor J Prendergast, NUM branch secretary at Cadeby did reveal however that 23 surface workers were to have been declared redundant at the pit.
Unfortunately, due to wastage, only 13 workers were redundant. Of these, eight retain for alternative employment underground, and five were over 65, the retiring age.
Council Prendergast told our reporter: “We are hoping that this will be the last we see of redundancies at Cadeby. The position now is quite good.”
At Denaby Main Colliery a further 10 surface workers will be redundant by 1960, branch secretary, Mr W Gibson, revealed this week.” All the men will be offered alternative employment underground,” said Mr Gibson.
“At present we are not unduly concerned about position at Denaby. We were informed in 1958 there would be redundancies as part of the reorganisation scheme.”