Late Callers

October 1966

South Yorkshire Times October 29, 1966

Late Callers

At 10.5 p.m. on Monday, the doorbell of a house in Wheatley Street, Denaby Main rang and in answering the call our Denaby correspondent found a boy of perhaps about 12 years who stated, “I am collecting for the Blind Mister, can you spare anything?

The boy was asked, “When is your official badge?” And he replied, “I left it at home.”

He held what looked like a cocoa tin with a slit in the top. Apparently at the same time a girl much younger was telling the tenant at number 18 that she was collecting for the poor? They were both advised to go home or they may well get into trouble.

It is hoped that if any other residents of such callers they would not encourage them by subscribing. No official collected for the blind for because houses at after 10 p.m.