Soldier – Rumble, Somme Albert – Killed On Way Home from Italy (picture)

October 1946

South Yorkshire Times, October 19, 1946

Leave Train Smash
Conisbrough Sergeant Killed On Way Home from Italy

Preparing for the return of her husband on his first leave from overseas service in Italy, a Conisbrough wife on Tuesday evening received an official telegram informing her that her husband had been killed in a leave train smash in northern Italy.

Due Home Yesterday.

She is Mrs. Edith Rumble, 10, Priory Road, whose 30 year old husband, Sergt. Somme Albert Rumble, Royal Engineers, was expected home in Conisbrough yesterday. He was hoping to be demobilised next April.

Mrs Rumble, who is left with two children, boys aged eight and three, told a South Yorkshire Times reporter on Wednesday that her husband had been overseas 11 months and the last time she saw him was when he took his embarkation leave. He had spent all his overseas service in Italy in the Naples area but before going abroad he had been to Preston, Brough, Halifax, and in the south of England.

Relatives stated that while Mrs Rumble had not received full details from the War office they believed from newspaper reports that Sgt Rumble might be one of the four victims of a rail disaster which occurred at the beginning of the week near the Italian Swiss border. Passengers in the train were troops commencing the long overland rail trip from Italy to the continental coast. They had read these reports and had not realised that Sgt Rumble might be one of the tragic men.

Before he enlisted in April, 1944, Sgt Rumble had for 10 years been employed as a shot firer at the Butterbusk works of the Conisbrough Cliff Company Ltd.

From C.W.G.C.:

Service Number: 14743692
Regiment & Unit/Ship Royal Engineers 588 Army Troops Coy.

Date of Death Died 12 October 1946

Buried or commemorated at UDINE WAR CEMETERY III. G. 11. Italy

Additional Info
Son of George Frederick and Lucy Rumble; husband of Edith Rumble, of Conisbrough, Yorkshire.
Personal Inscription