Mexborough and Swinton Times February 26, 1916
Lecture at Denaby
Prof Greenwood on Post War Relations
in the Large Hall, Denaby on Thursday evening, a lecture under the auspices of the Workers Educational Association was given by Mr Arthur Greenwood, B.SC., Chairman of the Yorkshire District Council of the Association as secretary of the Council for the Study of International Relations.
A subject was “What the war means to miners.” The chair was taken by Mr James Kelsall, in the action of Mr Sam Roebuck, of Barnsley.
Mr Greenwood said that deep-seated changes are taking place in many industries since the war began, and one wondered what the immediate effect of the was going to be at the end of the war. It was obvious that all over the Continent of Europe there would be an enormous amount of ruined prosperity to set right again, especially in the big industrial areas.
On the other hand, if this country could not carry on trade with other countries we should be hard put to it, and therefore a great deal depended upon whether foreign trade would spring up again. Some Chambers of Commerce were declaring that they did not intend starting trade relations with the German Empire, but they would probably think they were foolish in 10 years time.
If they cut out that trade industry and commerce must necessarily suffer. It would be necessary for the Government to handle the industrial problem wisely. With end of the war there would probably be a burst of trade activity followed by number of lean years with great depression and unemployment.
Mr Graham went on to speak of the sacrifices which the trade union movement that made at the call of the Government, sacrifices which he said were greater than those asked of any of the class of the community. They had been promised that the trade union regulations would be given back after the war, but he was afraid that by that time condition would have changed so much that they would be useless and obsolete.
This agreement further emphasised the importance to the working classes of education, acquired by every means possible.
At the conclusion a vote of thanks was recorded to the lecturer, on the proposition of the chairman.