Mexborough and Swinton Times October 9, 1896
Liberal Tea and Meeting at Conisborough
On Monday evening the Liberals of Conisborough held a tea and a meeting in their clubroom, when there were over 50 present.
Tea was given by the president of the Association, Mr J Brocklesby, and was presided over Mrs T. H. Harrison, Mrs Marsh, Mrs W. H. Ellis, Mrs C. Foster. Mrs Jones would, Mrs Franklin, and Mrs M. Wheatley.
The meeting, presided over by Mr Brocklesby, was of a miscellaneous character, consisting of songs, with citations, speeches, etc. and was much enjoyed by those present. This gathering is only one of a series to be given during the coming winter, several of the members having promised to follow their worthy president’s example.
The chairman; in a short address, urged the members to greater zeal and in the cause of liberalism, then he felt convinced they would be able to give a good account of themselves in future parliamentary struggles. At present they had a majority on the school board, and also on the parish council, and with unity they could return a majority in all local matters, although they had at present a Conservative government.
He referred to the American question and expressed the hope that the English government and the English nation would speak out boldly on the subject, and he believed it would be settled. Mr Dutton spoke, briefly pointing out that the question of reforms were to a great extent in their own hands and the working man’s vote counted just as much as the squires.
Mr Pagdin followed, and spoke of the deep interest he had in the question of education and parochial matters, expressing the belief that urban powers would shortly be obtained. Mr C. Holmes dwelt chiefly on the question of water supply, and the prospects of obtaining the same. He knew people were anxiously waiting this boon, and the parish council would do all they could to forward the same. When it was obtained he believed it would be similar water to that used in Sheffield, which was very good.
Mr Marsh and Mr Mosby also spoke briefly, the latter dealing with cemetery questions, and that of unity amongst the members, Mr J. Meggitt and Mr W. H. Ellis also briefly addressed the meeting.
The following is the musical programme:
Song; “Bay Of Biscay” G. Butcher;
Song; “Honest Heart,” T. Pageant;
Recitation; “Midshipman,” H. Wood;
Song; “Ship that Carried Me Home.” Mr Darcy;
Song; “A Great Big Shame,” Mr B. Mee;
Concertina Solo; Messrs Lee;
Song; “Rhine Wine.” Mr G. Butcher.
A coffee supper was held at the close, and the meeting throughout was of a very enjoyable nature. Votes of thanks to the chairman and musicians terminated a pleasant evening.