Mexborough and Swinton Times May 5, 1906
Licensing Offence at Conisborough
Five Conisborough men named Herbert Rigby, labourer; Arthur Pearse, ganger; and George Warnes, George Merick, William Faulkner, bus drivers, were summoned for being found on licensed premises during prohibitive hours on 15th of April at Conisborough.
PC Horton said he visited the Hill Top Inn, at Conisborough on the date in question, at 11. 05 a.m. and there he saw about 40 men. The defendants were in the tap room, each with a pint pot containing beer in front of them.
He asked Rigby, whom he knew lived in Conisborough, why he was drinking there. He also asked Pearse his address, and he gave it as Broomhill, Wath. Merick, Warnes and Faulkner all said they came from Albert Street Mexborough, but he afterwards discovered they all resided in Conisborough.
The defendant Pearse, who appeared, said he worked every day at Broomhill, Wath and argued that that was his address, in spite of the fact that he was a householder in Bentinct Street, Conisborough.
PC Thompson also gave evidence.
Pearse was ordered to pay 5/- and costs and the others 10/- and costs.