Sheffield Independent – Monday 23 September 1889
Local Court Cases
Luke Hunter and James McDonald, glass blowers, and Win. Jones, collier, of Conisbro’, were each charged with gambling on Sunday, and a fine of 20s. and 12s. costs each was inflicted.
Albert Hartley, collier, Denaby, was fined 10s. and 9s. costs for drunkenness.
John Edwards, a youth, of Denaby, was summoned for doing damage to the hedge of a field belonging to the Denaby Main Colliery Company, and 10s. 6d. costs and 6d. damages was imposed.
Thomas Bassingdale, a carter of Conisbro, was fined 6d. and 10a. 6d. costs, and ordered also to pay 2d., for damaging wheat and straw.
Wm. Bradbury, farmer, Conisbro’, for an assault on John Lawrence, at Conisbro’, was ordered to pay a fine of 2s. 6d. and 13s. costs.