1876 July 29 th, Sheffield independent
Lockout of Yorkshire Glass Bottle Makers
A rupture has taken place between the extensive firm of glass bottle makers, Messrs Kilner brothers, of Thornhill, near Dewsbury, and Conisbrough, near Rotherham, and their employers, and has resulted in a lockout – all their works being closed on Monday morning.
The firm have had a series of disputes to contend with amongst the bottle hands, who complained that stopper making is carried on in the same place as blowing, and they demand that the stopper presses should be kept and worked in separate shops.
The Flint bottle makers have also a grievance, in the shape, as they allege, of too many apprentices to each workman. At the Thornhill Lees works the men refused to work overtime, and they also complain that there ought to be some difference in the working with gas furnaces, as against the old system of draft furnaces.
The Glass Bottle Makers Association, it is stated, has hinted at a reduction of the wages of the bottle hands, but in case such should take place there would be serious resistance, as the operative bottle makers Association is in a financial position unequalled by any in England.
Should the Employers association take the matter up there will probably be a general lockout in the trade.
The tradesmen at Thornhill Lees are looking anxiously at the situation, as the village is almost exclusively supported by the glass works hands.