South Yorkshire Times February 21, 1959
Long Wait For Hot Water For Conisbrough School Showers
The unsatisfactory conditions of the shower baths attached to the gymnasium at Conisbrough Northcliffe County Secondary Girls’s school was discussed at last Thursday’s meeting of Mexborough Secondary Schools Governors.
In her report to the Governors, the Headmistress, Miss D. I. Hilborne, suggested that some method of heating the water, such as the installation of a separate tank with an immersion heater, was essential.
She said that at present the water came from the smaller boiler, and was run in the staff cloakroom in the Boys’ Department, the boys’ cloakroom, and the canteen.
“If the water is turned on at the beginning of a 45-minute lesson and allowed to run, it may be reasonably warm at the end of the lesson, depending on how much is used in other places such as the canteen. This is not a satisfactory state of affairs when every encouragement is given to children to take showers,”
“I would be grateful if the Governors would recommend that the matter should be investigated with a view to the installation of a heating apparatus for the separate the showers,” she added.
Members agreed with Miss Hillbourne, and it was recommended that the Divisional Architect and the heating engineer should investigate the matter.