Love Finds a Way at Old Denaby

February 1946

South Yorkshire Times February 16, 1946

Love Finds a Way at Old Denaby

This is a story of how love – and old Denaby parish council- will find a way!

At Friday’s meeting of the council, the chairman, Councillor A. R. Earnshaw, reported that it was impossible to maintain an unbroken electric bulb in the council’s lamp standard at Foxwell, situated in Denaby Lane, for many years a lovers walk for Denaby Main couples.

The last time the council renewed the bulb, Councillor Earnshaw explained, it only lasted five days before it was deliberately broken. There was a seat directly underneath the light! “It does not matter how many lights we provide they will not be kept in,” he added.

The Clerk (Mr R. Dunn): You know the reason why! None of us did our courting in the limelight.

The council decided to ask Conisbrough Urban Council to move the seat – to a darker position.