M.T.B.’S Hunting

November 1942

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 28 November 1942

M.T.B.’S Hunting

It was no mere formality when at the exchange of Warship Week plaques, Lieut. Sheppard expressed the hope that his association with Conisbrough would not end on that day.

The Chairman of the Council, Coun. Lt. H. Shepherd, has this week received a letter from him. After one or two personal references he mentions “Good hunting.” and states that he and his colleagues are out to get as many enemy as possible and so emulate their opposite numbers In the Middle East, who are in “full cry.”

He expresses the gratitude of himself and Lieut. Watson to the committee who helped to make their visit to Conisbrough such a happy one, and closes his letter with the wish that he will be able to visit Conisbrough again some time.