Mexborough Swinton Times October 30, 1896
Lecture at Conisborough
on Friday evening a magic lantern lecture was delivered in the Church Sunday School by the Rev G.H.Box, organising secretary of the Parochial Mission of the Jews.
The views gave a clear idea of some of the towns and villages in the Holy land and also certain ceremonies connected with the Jewish synagogues, such as the “the Passover,” redemption of the firstborn, also “the elevation of the law,” which the lecturer much regretted was still offered to the highest bidder.
Mr Box pointed out that through the misrule of the Church and the oppression of the Jews, many of the towns and cities, which prospered under the rule of the Romans have now become depopulated. At the present time there are more Jews in Poland than in any European country. Owing to the continued oppression of the Jews by Russia, many of them are leaving Poland and Russia, for lands of freedom such as England and the United States. Over 100,000 of the Jews came to this country in a year, many of them eventually going over to America, provided they can raise the necessary £25 over and above their passage money.
The lecture will drop to close my views of the London stage at Liverpool, showing a number of Jews awaiting embarkation in America. Mr Box at the same time pointed out the useful Christian work done by the missionary represented, in such cities as Liverpool, Leeds etc and the duty of the Church of England towards God’s ancient people, the Jews.
There was a good company present, and at the close a vote of thanks was passed to Mr Box on the motion of the Rev J Crawford.