Magistrates confiscated Denaby Miner’s gun

November 1956

South Yorkshire Times November 3, 1956

Please note the names have been changed

Magistrates confiscated Denaby Miner’s gun

Two Denaby brothers who had been quarrelling over a long period were called before the West Riding magistrates at Doncaster on Tuesday and told they will be both bound over.

John William Smith (32), miner, of Edlington Street, one of the brothers, was fined £10 from being in possession of an offensive weapon, a £10 shot gun and five rounds of ammunition. He pleaded guilty to this offence and to conduct likely to cause a breach of peace.

He and his brother Ernest, (30), of Sprotborough street, Denaby, were each bound over in £10 to keep the peace for two years. The magistrates ordered confiscation of the gun.

Chief Inspector L. D. Lewery said the brothers had not been on speaking terms for some time and there had been a series of rows in the family. On Saturday, October 18 John Smith went home after closing time. He had had some drink but was not drunk. He had an argument with his wife and Smith mother was sent for. The mother arrived but the argument went on for some reason. Smith picked up a shot gun and cartridges. Smith said “You can fetch the Bobbies if you like but the first one sets foot in this house gets one of these (cartridges).”

Later, at his mother’s house in Wadsworth Street, Smith had an argument with his brother. They went into the yard and Smith threatened to shoot his brother. His brother thought he meant it.

At his mother’s house Smith repeated his threat to shoot the first policeman who entered the house. But he then unloaded the gun and gave it to a neighbour who sent it back to Smith home. In the meantime the police were searching the streets thinking Smith still had the gun.

Defending, Mr. J. S. Marshall said this was not a case of a manic at-large with a loaded shotgun bent on doing some serious injury to someone. Smith had gone to his parents’ house talk to his father, not his brother. Ernie happened to be there and there was an argument, the gun was not brandished at anyone.
