Leeds Mercury – Wednesday 15 January 1930
“Maker Of Denaby.’’
District’s Great Tribute To The Late Mr. W. H. Chambers.
The village of Denaby Main received this afternoon the remains of the late Mr. W. H. Chambers, formerly for about 40 years managing director of the Denaby and Cadeby Colliery, who died at his home. Clay worth Hall, Retford, Friday, at the age of 76.
The respect gained Mr. Chambers was shown by the tremendous gathering that awaited the arrival of the cortege from Clayworth Hall, and accompanied the procession to the churchyard, where another large gathering was-present.
The service was conducted by the Rev. H. Lee, Vicar of Conisborough, and formerly Vicar of Denaby, assisted by the Rev, H. Gregory, formerly curate at Denaby.
In a brief address, the Vicar paid tribute to the work of Mr.’ Chambers for Denaby, saving that wherever they went in the village they would see the fruits of his work.
Mr. Chambers had a most remarkable career, and was to great extent the maker of Denaby. He was mainly responsible for the great development of the sister collieries, of which he was the head. A mining engineer, he held high rank in the technical world, giving evidence at important commissions. He was an inventor of great skill, and introduced many of his own mechanical improvements to the working of his pits.