Denaby Utd – Conisbrough 1 Denaby United 3

2 March 1900

Mexborough Times , March 2

Smart Performance by Denaby United at Conisborough.

Conisborough 1 Denaby 3

Denaby United are an excellent team, and deserve commendation for their clever performances in the Hatchard Cup competition, as at the present they have not been defeated in that particular competition. Besides not been defeated in the composition, they have to their credit an excellent goal average.

Playing against Conisborough, on Saturday, they were fully represented, and succeeded after a rather tough struggle in winning by 3 goals to 1. Conisborough defence was good on many occasions the home custodian (Houghton) playing a splendid game.

The early portion of the game was very exciting, the visiting forwards making several heart attacks, only to be repulsed by the sturdy home defence. Nevertheless, they succeeded in scoring two goals in the first half, after several attempts. It was then readily admitted by all that Denaby, were too good for Conisborough, though the latter accomplished some grand feats against their formidable opponents.

Whittaker, for the own team, playedwell, scoring the only goal with a beauty, Hardy not having the slightest chance with the brilliant shot.

Denaby won the toss, and elected to kick downhill in the first half. From the kick-off Whitaker (left inside) got possession, and made an attempt to reach Hardy´s charge, but was robbed in doing so by Goodwin.

Denaby then made a continual bombardment of the home goal, and Houghton was rolled over in effecting a clearance. Conisborough made an attack on the visitors goal all for the second time and Hardy had to run out to clear, which he successfully managed in the nick of time, as Bennett was on the alert.

Denaby again advanced to the home quarters and the visitors outside left made a good attempt to register the first goal for his side, but Hudson made a marvellous save. Hardy, the Denaby custodian, at this stage caused much amusement by playing up with his men. Goodwin and the visitors centre player showed good combination, the former sending in a capital shot, which Hudson successfully cleared.

The visitors still remain near the home goal, but Robinson after a while, kicked out to avoid the downfall of his own goal. Denaby again hotly besiege the home goal, andgot two goals immediately after one another.

On racing away to register a third, Tomlinson came to the rescue and made a brilliant clearance. At half-time the score was 2-0 in favour of Denaby.

On resuming the visitors attacked but failed to score. Throughout the second half play was of a more even character. Whittaker,
for Conisborough, scored a good goal near the close of the game.

A struggle then ensued in the Conisborough goal, and Denaby scored a third. The game shortly afterwards terminated.