Marconigrams – April 11th, 1942

April 1942

Mexborough and Swinton Times, April 11th 1942


New Vicars were Instituted and Inducted at Swinton and Kilnhurst on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.

Twenty-two teams competed for the Soar Ambulance Cup at Goldthorpe on Saturday and winners were Maltby Main.

Pte. Thomas Bailey, whose home is at 1, Copeland Road, Wombwell, will shortly spend his third consecutive birthday In a German prison camp.

The funeral took place at Kilnhurst on Saturday of Mr. Thorns Palfreyman, a former secretary of Kilnhurst Co-operative Society. He was in his ninetieth year.

Certain South Collieries are offering a Savings Certificate for every ton of home coal surrendered. Others are offering cash compensation of anything up to 20s.

There was only one “drunk” case to be dealt with on Easter Monday morning at Rotherham Borough Police Court.

The new Vicar or Swinton, the Rev. H. W. Quarrell, and his family entered into residence at Swinton on Thursday,

A former Swinton curate, the Rev. Arthur Wilson, B.A., L.Th.. Vicar of Eastoft since 1925, died at Scunthorpe Hospital on April 2nd.

The Rev. G. Needham, of Sheffield, is to be the new Vicar of Conisbrough, where he will succeed the late Canon H. T. Eddershaw.

The men of Houghton Main Colliery made an Easter offering of an extra 4.000 tons of coal to the country by a splendid production effort.

The Grimethorpe Colliery Band, famous for broadcasting, and winners of band contests, have kindly offered their services free of charge for a band concert in support of the Montagu Hospital. The concert will take place on Saturday evening. April 25th in the Large Hall of the Mexborough Secondary School.

The Board of Management of the Montagu Hospital wish it to become known definitely that a weekly subscription of 4d. per week, or 17/4 per annum is the minimum payment necessary to become a recognised contributor and to be entitled to free hospital treatment for self or dependents at the above hospital. Juveniles earning fees than £1 are expected to pay a minimum of 2d. per week.

We have received a note from Mr. H. Steer, headmaster of Brampton Ellie School, who writes: “23years ago this week Mr. George Ellis, of Brampton Bierlow, died. According to Wath-on-Dearrie Parish registers, Mr. Ellis was buried on April 7th, but the College of Heralds assures me that Mr. Ellis died on April 12th. There is a most curious discrepancy and your readers might have their own opinions as to which date is likely to be correct.”