Marconigrams – April 25th, 1942

April 1942

South Yorkshire Times, April 25, 1942


A special service for Scouts will be held at Mexborough Parish Church on Sunday afternoon.

Mr. S C. Hacking, for the past six years News Editor, has now been appointed the Editor of the ‘South York,hire Times.”

The fourth annual meeting of the Manvers Main Sports Club will be held next Tuesday, AprIl 28th, at 7.30 p.m. Will all members please note.

Princess Elizabeth celebrated her sixteenth birthday on Tuesday.

The Minister of Labour and the President of the Board of Trade have appointed a committee of six to inquire into the opportunities for training and advancement and the general welfare of juvenile workers in the coal mining Industry

Leary Constantine, the celebrated West Indian cricket player, has promised to play in a match at Mexborough on Feast Monday, June 22, in which many other well-known cricketers will take part.

Mr. Arthur Horner, President of the South Wales Miners’ Federation, will broadcast after the 9m. news on Tuesday. Apt. 28th The title of his talk will be “Coal Production and the Struggle of the United Nations.”

A public inquiry into an application made by Swinton Urban Council for consent to borrow 13,300 for the purposes of improving their water supply will be held at Swinton Council Offices on Tuesday next at 10.30

“In the conditions of this unprecedented war, managers who tolerate violations of labour discipIine, absenteeism or self-interest undermine the work of their factory. Even If only a few such persons are to be found In a factory, they must not go unpunished, but must be held responsible according to the law.”—From the “Soviet War News,” published through the Russian Embassy in London.

A presentation from directors and colleagues of the “South Yorkshire Times” was made on Tuesday to Mr. E. S. Bardsley. Editor of the “Rotherham Express, one of the “South Yorkshire Times’ series, to mark his completion that day of fifty years as a staff journalist. The occasion was also taken to make a presentation to Mr. W. P. Turner, managing director of the Company, who has competed his jubilee with the “Times,” but who had expressed a wish to postpone the full celebration of the anniversary until after the war.