Marconigrams – August 01 1942

August 1942

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 01 August 1942


Lord Halifax visited Hickleton Hall last week-end and was accorded a welcome by the tenantry.

County Alderman W. E. Jones, general secretary of the Yorkshire Mine Workers’ Association, has been re-elected chairman of the Yorkshire Regional Council of the Labour Party.

Swinton Council is negotiating with the Doncaster and Tickhill Joint Water Board for a supplementary supply of 150,000 gallons of water per day.

Mr. E. Dunn, M.P., will open a garden party and gala at Milton House, Swinton, on Monday on behalf of the Swinton War Welfare Fund. The target is £300 and we hope this amount will be reached.

The Swinton cricket team appears to have a good chance of finishing at the top of the Yorkshire Council this season. So far they are unbeaten. On Saturday they again beat easily their Mexborough rivals.

On Sunday, August 2nd, at 8.40 p.m.. Mr. Henry Willink, M.C., K.C., M.P., the Chairman of Toc H, will broadcast an appeal on behalf pf the Toc H War Services Fund. F100,000  is needed to maintain existing clubs and to cope with ever- Increasing demands.

The Ministry of Agriculture appeals to the general public and parents in particular to prevent children from playing among growing crops and, when corn is gathered, from climbing on or interfering with ricks. Every ounce of food matters these days and serious damage is being done to crops by school children.

During June 437 people were killed on the roads compared with 618 in June last year; 2,688 were seriously injured, compared with 3.592, and 9.408 were slightly injured, against 11,593. In black-out hours 31 were killed, compared with 41, 118 seriously injured, compared with 314, and 305 slightly injured, compared with 567.