Marconigrams – August 23rd, 1941

August 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 23 August 1941


Mr. Winston Churchill will broadcast to the country next Sunday evening.

Five people whose ages totalled 392 and averaged 78 died within five days in Wombwell last week. Oldest was 86 and youngest 72.

Mexborough’s Mobile Canteen Fund to raise £500 for provision of a mobile canteen for use during and after the war has passed the £200 mark.

A cricket match between the Mexborough and Edlington subdivisions of the local Special Constabulary is to be played next Thursday at Denaby.

Mexborough Lawn Tennis Club have subscribed £3 to the Mexborough Mobile Canteen Fund as the result of an American tournament held on the club’s courts on Saturday.

A fire which broke out in the stackyard of Glebe Farm, Mexborough, tenanted by Mr. F. Lockwood, destroyed over 50 tons of hay, clover seed and straw on Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Tom Williams, M.P. (Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries) was sworn in a member of His Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council on Friday.

A young Wath shot firer, Stephen White, won Yorkshire’s first colliery shot-firing competition, the final of which was staged at Manvers Main Collieries, Ltd.’s, Barnburgh Colliery on Sunday.

Mr. W. A. Lewis, who has been Chairman of the Management Board of the Montagu Hospital, Mexborough, for 25 successive years, will attain his 80th birthday on September 4th, and the occasion will be marked by a birthday tea party at the Hospital, to which all the members of the Board have been invited.

Wing – Commander Douglas Bader, the legless Sprotborough airman shot down over France just over a week ago, is among three British pilot officers found wounded and taken to hospital, the German wireless stated on Wednesday. Wing-Commander Bader probably has by now a new metal leg to replace one he broke when he baled out. The new leg, which was dropped by the R.A.F. near St. Omer, is one of a spare pair he had in England.


The supply of paper is becoming more and more restricted and, in the opinion of papermakers and users the strongest passible pressure should be brought to bear upon all urban and rural authorities whose collections are not up to standard to put into operation an approved scheme of waste paper collection to secure the salvage of this essential raw material. Additional and sustained propaganda should be directed to the general public to maintain their interest and ensure their co-operation.

Houses in the Don and Dearne Valley area for sale or to let are difficult to obtain and we wonder whether an appeal which we now make will elicit any reply. A house is required within three or four miles of Mexborough for one who is coming to take up work of great national importance. And it is vitally necessary that he should reside with in the area we have specified. .Anyone who can and will decide to offer their house furnished or unfurnished for the duration of the war will be contributing immensely to the national effort and will be well repaid for their sacrifice. If any reader of this note is interested we shall be glad to hear of it, and if the person persons who feel so disposed will write to us we shall be pleased to put them into contact with the party requiring accommodation.