Marconigrams – December 14th, 1912

December 1912

Mexborough and Swinton Times December 14, 1912


This week’s issue consists of 20 pages, 160 columns, – a record pennyworth in weekly journalism.

Miss Montagu has submitted her resignation as the Health Visitor of Mexborough.

Two well-known Swinton residents will celebrate their Golden wedding on Wednesday, January 1, 1913.

Congratulations to counsel T and Mrs Washington, of Bolton, who have just celebrated their silver wedding.

Mr Herbert Bendall, of Mexborough, who emigrated to Canada last month, is returning to England on a short holiday.

On Thursday next in new organ, which had been erected in the Conisborough Wesleyan Church will be dedicated.

A ballot takes place on Tuesday next, December 17, for the appointment of a permanent check this weighman for the men employed at Cadeby Colliery. The officials in charge of the ballot are Messrs J Doran (treasurer), M.W. Casey (secretary), J Kelsall and T Doherty

Mexborough tradesmen are closing their establishments on Christian Christmas day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.

On Friday last, at Wath, a motor skidded and collided with a gas standard. Happily, no personal injuries were sustained.

Complaints have been made of the delay in carrying out the improvements at Station Road, Conisborough.

The Wath Main Colliery Co Ltd have declared a further interim dividend of one shilling per share on the Ordinary shares of the company.

Mr Charles Callum’s reputed Sheffield orchestra have been engaged for the Mexborough Cricket and Athletic Ball on Wednesday, January 8.

The scholars in Form IV at the Mexborough secondary school tonight (Friday) giving a performance of Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

The annual dinner of the Goldthorpe Fire Brigade was held last (Thursday) evening. A detailed report will be given in next week’s issue.

The adjourned sale of building land which has been offered by the Brampton Bierlow Charity Trustees, will take place at Wath on Tuesday evening.

Elsewhere in these columns is printed report of an interview with Miss Montague, which gives some impressions of her 11 month’s stay in Mexborough.

Darfield is en fête on Wednesday next on the occasion of the marriage of Miss Sowerby, daughter of the Rector, to Mr Norman Roberts, of Sheffield.