Marconigrams – December 27, 1941 (video)

December 1941

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 27 December 1941


Mr. Harry Fawcett, of College House, Brampton, for 21 years manager of the Cortonwood Colliery, has retired.

(Article Wath & Wombwell sites)

Mr. Malpass (88), of King’s Road. Wombwell, who died last Saturday, had a record of seventy years work at the coal face.

(Article Wombwell site)

Owing to possible difficulties with the black-out and war-time conditions, the annual gathering of blind persons at Rotherham bas not been held this season.

Christmas greetings inserted in this paper by Wombwell Conservative Club have brought an acknowledgment from a Wombwell gunner serving at Gibraltar.

A former member of the staff of Swinton Fitzwilliam Council School, Mr. E. Jevons, of Mexborough, has been reported missing following operations in the Middle East, where he was serving with the Army. He is presumed to have been taken prisoner.

The King, it is officially announced from Buckingham Palace, will broadcast on Christmas Day to his peoples at home and in the Empire. The broadcast will be at three o’clock in the afternoon.

Winston Churchill will make his first Address to U.S. Congress on Boxing Day

(Video from YouTube below)

Brampton Bierlow Poor Trustees (Wath-on-Dearne) have distributed vouchers value 8s. each to 180 widows and deserving cases in the area of its district to enable them to obtain an extra supply of groceries from their usual tradesmen.

Following the annual council meeting of the Yorkshire Mineworkers’ Association at Barnsley, Mr. J. A. Hall, the President, said on Sunday, ” Although it has been recommended that men should take their holidays in Christmas week, with a view to avoiding a break in the following week, it is to be understood that unless it is a mutual agreement between both sides for a pit to work on one of the recognised holidays then the agreed holiday between the owners and men should operate. Each branch has a right to arrange its own holiday period, always having in mind the agreements between the owners and the men should operate. Each branch has a right to arrange its own holiday period, always having in mind the agreements between the owners land the Yorkshire Mineworkers’ Association.”