Marconigrams – February 17th, 1912

February 1912

Mexborough and Swinton Times February 17, 1912


The annual meeting of the Mexborough Hospital will be held on Monday, February 26th

At one local colliery, notices have been served to the members of the office staff.

The Mexborough Urban District Council has adopted the Baths and Wash houses Acts, 1948 to 1893

The two-days’ sale at Barnburgh Hall this week attracted a large attendance and most of the goods realised high prices.

Mr. Samuel Roebuck, of Wombwell, has been appointed assistant general secretary of the Yorkshire Miners Association.

Dr. Craik of Goldthorpe, has resigned his position as Medical Officer of Health to the Thurnscoe Urban District Council.

The Right Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam has been appointed President of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society for the season 1912 – 13

The show held reader the auspices of the above Society at Rotherham in July last, proved a heavy financial loss.

Mexborough and District Teachers’ Operatic Society have decided to give “The Mikado” as their production in November next.

The miners at all the local collieries have tendered their notices, and the surface-workers have also received their notices.

The annual matting of the Mexborough Water Co., Ltd. was held on Monday, when a dividend at the rate of 7 ½ per cent. was declared.

The Oxford Road Church choir are holding a social on Shrove-Tuesday. An interesting programme, including a sketch has been arranged.

Sir Joseph Walton. Bart., M.P, arrived in Loudon on Monday after five months of travel in South Africa, British East Africa, and Uganda.

The scholars’ concert at the Secondary School, Mexborough’, was a great success, and the children taking part acquitted themselves splendidly.

Consternation reigned in local football circles when the news came through that two officials of the Denaby Football Club had been suspended.

Mr. G. W. Phillips, formerly manager of Wath Main, will play for Wath cricket team next season, as he is remaining in Wath until late in the year.

Denaby Ambulance Brigade announce a whist drive and ball on Thursday next, in the Denaby Large Hall, which promises to be a great success

At the meeting of the Yorkshire Farmers’ Union, at Doncaster, on Saturday, it was stated that two farmers’ candidates would be run at the next General Election

A County Alderman, who is a leading light in the Dominator agricultural district, added to the gaiety of nations with the remark: “It is the willing horse that pays the piper.”

Congratulations to Mr Dorothy Spencer, daughter of the Vicar of Bolton, one the solo singing contest at the musical competition in Huddersfield Town Hall on Saturday

Mr. A. E. Barnes Canadian farmer delegate from Bell Island, will visit the “Times” Office, on Saturday. March 2nd, to interview sand give information to intending emigrants to Canada.

We understand that the off-licence application in Herbert Street was opposed by Mr. Hall, solicitor, on behalf of the local branch of the British Woman’s Temperance Association.

The late Mr. Willian Henry Jones Mills, of Swinton, left estate of the gross value of £10,594, with net personalty nil. The testator left £25 to his former maid-servant, Mary Flannery.

The Scarborough residents of the late Mrs Hart drop of Barnburgh was offered for sale last Friday, but there was no bid for the property, which is estimated to yield an annual rental of £150.

We understand that the second annual general meeting of the Wombwell Empire Skating Rink Co Ltd will be held at the Pavilion, Marsh Street, Wombwell on Monday next at 4:30 PM.

Lovers of organ music will have a good opportunity of indulging their taste on Sunday, March 3, when Mr J Harrington, A.R.C.O., is giving an organ recital in the Wesleyan Chapel, Mexborough.

Mr T Washington, headmaster of the Bolton on Dearne Council schools and Mr W Brookes, one of his assistants, are to be congratulated upon and become associates of the College of Preceptors, as a result of a recent examination.

The Reverend C.H.N.Ivens, curate of Ilkeston and former curate of Swinton, has been offered by the Lord Chancellor, and has accepted the living of Colston Bassett, Notts. Mr Ivens is a son of the Reverend C Ivens, vicar of Boynton and Carnaby with Fraisthorpe near Bridlington.

As a meeting of the Conisborough Joint Hospital Board on Wednesday, a letter was read from a nurse who recently resigned, contain serious allegation as the treatment meted out to nursing and domestic staff. The majority of the members repudiated the statements as being untrue.