Marconigrams – January 20th, 1933

January 1933

South Yorkshire Times  January 20, 1933


The rainfall in the Dearne Valley area during December was .72 of an inch.

A new X-ray department is shortly to be added to the Fullerton Hospital, Denaby Main.

The Wombwell glassworks of Wood Brothers Glass Co Ltd are to be closed for reconstruction.

What shall it profit as if we win the Test Matches and lose Australia? Put Sutcliffe on.

The annual meeting of the subscribers of the Montagu Hospital sixth of February 27.

The Reverend Ernest Kemp, Baptist minister of Conisbrough, has been appointed to a mission in South Wales.

Defendant: I have been driving day and night for six years without any contamination of the laws of the road.

Mr J. H. Brocklesby has returned to Conisbrough after four years missionary teaching in Pemba, East Africa.

The stone laying ceremony in connection with the new nurse’s hostel at the Montagu Hospital takes place on February 4.

The widening and reconstruction of Doncaster Road, Mexborough, is to be proceeded with almost immediately at a cost of £20,000.

Mr John Minnikin, agent of Hickleton Main Colliery, who is lying in a Sheffield nursing home, was last night reported to be progressing satisfactorily.

At an inquest on a Thurnscoe child this week the child’s mother was said by her own mother to be “bone idle” and by her husband “not too fond of work.”

The British coal output for the week ended January 7 was 3,851,300 tons and the number of wage earners employed 781,200. The figures for Yorkshire were: 729,400 tons and 146,600 wage earners.