Marconigrams – July 15th, 1944

July 1944

South Yorkshire Times, July 15th, 1944


The directors of the Midland Bank Limited announce an Interim Dividend for the half year ended June 30th last at the rate of eight per cent actual less Income Tax, payable on July 15th next.  The same rate of dividend was declared a year ago.

A total of 64 convictions for cruelty to animals have been recorded by the R.S.P.C.A. for June.  This compares with 71 for May.  Of the total of 64, Yorkshire contributed one.  Dogs, cats and horses were the chief sufferers there being 15, 16 and 9 convictions respectively against these animals.  Altogether, in June, 1,359 complaints of cruelty were investigated while the total number of convictions from January 1st, 1944, to the end of June were 334.  During June five persons were disqualified from keeping a dog.

Dearne Red Cross Penny-a-Week fund in the six months ended June 30th raised £1,461.  This figure was made up of Bolton £298, Goldthorpe £743 and Thurnscoe £420.

Mr. Charles A. Charlton has been appointed Agent and Manager of the Cortonwood Collieries Co. Ltd., and Mr. R. F. M. Gill formerly with Messrs. W. B. Peat and Co., has been appointed Secretary.

Mr. F. Collindridge of Wombwell, Labour M.P. for Barnsley, one of the parliamentary delegation visiting Australia, is to report on Australia’s coalfields, at the invitation of the Federal Government.

Hickleton Main, who were Yorkshire Council champions in 1942, continue to beat all challengers this season. They have now played 12 matches and have won every possible point. Their nearest rivals are Hanging Heaton, who have played 13 matches and have lost one.

Two brothers, Brian Ivill (22), and Eric Ivill (15), sons of Jimmy Ivill, the Rockingham batsman, were among the young players Emmott Robinson, the old Yorkshire all-rounder had for instruction at Barnsley on Monday. Father and two sons play for Rockingham in the Yorkshire Council.  Robinson gave hints to several youngsters and said he had been favourably impressed.