Marconigrams – June 3rd, 1911

June 1911

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 03 June 1911


A picture Hall is to be opened at Swinton shortly.

The Swinton, Mexborough, Denaby and Conisbrough combined lodges of the Sheffield Equalised Independent Druids will have their second annual outing on Whit Tuesday. They journey to Bridlington this year.

Several horses have recently been lamed at a drinking trough in Doncaster Road, Conisbrough, by the trapping of their feet.

The Swinton Urban Council on Wednesday night approved a general district rate of 2/4 in the pound to meet the expenses of the half year.

The Mexborough Coronation festivities lace has been swelled by donation of £25 from Mr F.J.O. Montagu, formerly of Melton Park, now residing at Linford Hall, Norfolk.

The 30 houses, in Old Denaby are hoping to raise a little over £15 for the Coronation festivities, and not, as was erroneously stated in a contemporary, £30. Already they have subscribed £10.

It was a proud day for Wath on Thursday when they opened their first large swimming bath in the district outside the area of local corporations, and leaving out of account the excellent little bathing pool at Denaby.

Councillor Siddall, of Swinton, has read that there are other causes of consumption beside the registry and environment. It may be induced, he understands, by shock or disappointment in love .

There is to be a rush for the Swinton Institute, or what is left of it, after the highway improvements affected by the Council. It is wanted, we understand, by a bioscope syndicate.

The vital statistics for Swinton during the months are abnormal. The deaths exceed of birth by one.

The service in Westminster Abbey on the day of Coronation will take place at 11 AM.

Bolton on Dearne, said Mr JI Hawksworth at the Local Government Board Enquiry yesterday, used to be a place of narrow streets, bad corners, and dangerous positions.

The Chairman of the Mexborough Council Mr T Athlon, J.P., motored to Epsom this week and saw the Derby run.

Since coming into office in 1889, the Bolton on Dearne Urban Council has spent £3,777 15s 5d on actual street improvements.

Considerable overcrowding is reported at Darfield, and on the recommendation of the local Government Board a town planning committee has been formed to deal with the matter.

Consumption is reported to be very prevalent in Swinton at the present time, five deaths having occurred in the past month, making a total of 11 for the year.

At the monthly meeting of the Swinton Council on Wednesday, some extraordinary figures were presented, the edical Officer showing for the five weeks ended May 26 the death rate to be .3 per 1000, as compared with the birth rate of only 29.6.

We are informed that the arbitration proceeding between the Mexborough and Swinton Gas company and the Mexborough and Swinton Councils, are arranged at Tuesday and Wednesday, June 20th and 21st.

Elaborate arrangements for the celebration of the Coronation be made at Old Denaby.

At the opening proceedings of the Wombwell Salvation Army, Mr Stainforth was presented with a beautiful key.

Mrs Elizabeth Blackburn, an inmate of the Doncaster Workhouse, celebrated her 101st birthday in the Doncaster Workhouse with high tea on Friday. She was congratulated by three guardians, Mr Crawford, Mr Cocking and the Reverend G Anderson. Once, when she was asked what she attributed an advance years, she said: “God knows, I don’t. ”

Several local Cricketers this week are engaged in first-class cricket, Booth, the Wath “brilliant,” being chosen to play with Mr G.F. Jessops team against Mr P.F. Warner’s team at Bramall Lane; whilst R. Kilner (Mitchell Main), A. Turner (Hickleton) and Stanley (Wath) play for the county against Cambridge University, the latter making his first appearance with the first team.

Look out for the Coronation Souvenir to be published by the “Mexborough Times” Co.. It will contain details and photos relating to the Coronation celebrations in your district. It will be sold at the modest sum of one penny.