Marconigrams – May 02nd, 1942

May 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 02 May 1942


The egg ration for April is five for each person.

The proposed scheme for the rationing of coal and fuel is meeting with considerably opposition.

The Grimethorpe Colliery Band gave a splendid concert in the Mexborough Secondary School on Saturday evening and their playing was very greatly appreciated.

Canon E. Hope, Archdeacon of Cleveland, formerly Vicar of Mexborough, will visit Mexborough and preach on the occasion of the Patronal Festival at the Parish Church.

An anonymous sympathiser from South Wales sent ten shillings to Coun. S. Silverwood, chairman of Mexborough Council, for “someone who has a relative entombed at Barnburgh Colliery.”

Father Rowland, the famous seismologist of Stoneyhurst College, Lancashire, has stated that his delicate instrument distinctly showed an earth tremor at four minutes past six on Friday evening, which is the approximate time of the mishap which occurred at Barnburgh Main Colliery.

Mr. J. J. P. Mackenzie. Works Supervisor at Messrs. Hadfield’s Swinton Works, has been elected to full membership of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. After graduating B.Sc. at Edinburgh University in 1921, he became an Associate Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (A.M.LM.E.) in 1929. He has spent six years in America returning to take up a post as Assistant Chief Engineer to Messrs. Hopkinson’s of Huddersfield, which he left to superintend the erection of the new works at Swinton, of which he is now superintendent.

Mexborough Comforts Fund’s appeal for 5,000 threepenny bits has been already achieved and the target has now been raised to 10.000.

A gala is being organised, to be held at Wath-on-Dearne on Whit Monday in support of the Railwaymen’s Whateley House Fund fur the Montagu Hospital.

Flight-Lieut. Lord Morven Cavendish-Bentinck is to visit Wombwell next Monday to inspect the Wombwell and Darfield Squadron of the Air Training Corp.

Second Lieutenant Eric B. Dobson, R.A, a former member of the editorial staff of the South Yorkshire Times,” was a member of the guard of honour for Sir Stafford Cripps in Egypt.

One of the men rescued alive and almost unharmed after the Barnburgh Colliery catastrophe last week-end was working in Bentley Colliery at the time of the disaster there and came out unscathed.

Mexborough Civic Sunday service will be held on May 10th at the Parish Church at 10.30 a.m., when Coun. S. Silverwood (chairman) and members of the Urban Council, together with members of public organisations will attend.

Mr. John Cooke, of Mexborough, has been presented with a gold watch in recognition of 52 years continuous service at Cadeby Colliery. As a winding engine man for 41 years he has conveyed “one million men” and ten million tons of coal without serious accident—a splendid record.

We understand that Father Rowlands, of Stoneyhurst College, has confirmed the fact that his instruments recorded a earth tremor at approximately 6.04 p.m. on Friday and has expressed the opinion that this caused the underground disturbance at Barnburgh Main Colliery.

The Vicar of Mexborough, the Rev. E. H. P. Rawlins, conducted a service for Scouts and Cubs at Doncaster on connection with St. George’s Day on Sunday, while the service at Mexborough Parish Church, which was attended by members of the Mexborough Local Association of Boy Scouts was conducted by Canon Davies, of Doncaster.

His many friends In the Mexborough district will be interested to note the announcement elsewhere in this issue of the forthcoming marriage of 2nd Lieutenant W. S. Pettit, elder son of Mr. W. S. Pettit and the late Mrs. I. Pettit, of Mexborough, which is to take place on May 9th at Cardiff to Miss Edna Bush, of Glastonbury. Second-Lieutenant Pettit is an old boy of Mexborough Secondary School and a former member of Mexborough Lawn Tennis Club.