South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 09 May 1942
Alan Parker, a three-year-old evacuee from Hull, was drowned in the canal at Swinton on Sunday. The child’s father is serving in the Army in Iceland.
Coal consumers who use less than two tons of coal a year and buy it in quantities of not more than one cwt., who have so far not had to register with a coal merchant must now do so before June Ist.
Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal, continued her active interest in the North Eastern Regional Blood Transfusion Scheme on Monday, when she visited the service depots in Sheffield. In February of last year Her Royal Highness broadcast her appeal for volunteer blood donors from the East and West Ridings of Yorkshire, setting a fine example by herself giving blood.
Mexborough’s aged residents include one over 97, three over 90, 80 over 80 and 250 over 70.
The Secretary for Mines, Mr. D. R. Greaten, is to open the new Manvers Main pithead canteen and solarium this (Friday) afternoon.
Enthusiastic efforts are to be made to improve the existing machinery of collecting savings from workers in war factories and workshops.
The rurl-decanal conference for the Deanery of Wath-on- Dearne in to be held at Wombwell to-morrow (Saturday). Speaker’ will debate, “What I Expect of the Church.”
Mrs. J. A. R. Lee, of ” Churchgates,” Mexborough, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. A. R. Lee, were staying In York when the city was recently raided by German bombers, but fortunately neither was injured.
The Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Coun. C. J. Mitchell, BA., B.Sc., ,LP., is to preach on Sunday evening at the Oxford Road Wesleyan Reform Church, Mexborough, on the occasion of the Sunday school anniversary.
Lord Herder, who is a strong advocate for the establishment of a crematorium in every town and city, will attend the opening of the new pithead canteen and solarium centre at the Manvers Main Colliery to-day (Friday).
Constantine, Martindale, G. Pope and Townsend are among the famous cricketers who have already promised to take the Mexborough Montagu Hospital cricket match on June 22nd. Other well known players are being booked.
Captain J. E. Brooke Smith, of Wath-on-Dearne, who is serving with the Royal Tank Regiment, has been home on leave this week and attended the weekly gathering of the Mexborough and District Rotary Club, of which he is a member on Tuesday.
Banks in all parts of the country will soon be issuing the new standard-sized cheque books. For the purpose of saving paper these will measure not more than 6in. by 3in. Companies’ cheques, however, will be half-an-inch deeper, thus providing space for two or more signatures.
The proposed rationing of fuel continues to be the subject of keen debate, and it is seriously suggested that a committee representative of management and mine workers should be established to sit in constant session to advise the Government and to avoid if possible the proposed rationing scheme.