Marconigrams – November 14th, 1942

November 1942

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 14 November 1942


Ten new war-time nurseries were opened In Yorkshire during the month of October. A further five are in course of preparation.

There are now 1,700 names on the books of the Mexborough Active Service Comforts Fund. Indicating that nearly ten per cent. of the population of the town Is serving in H.M. Forces.

Major the Rt. Hon. G. Lloyd George, M.P., Minister of Fuel and Power, will visit Sheffield on Tuesday next. He will address a public meeting at the City Hall at 5.10 p.m., after visiting a ” Battle for Fuel ” exhibition in the afternoon.

Record Poppy Day collections have already been reported from several South Yorkshire towns and villages.

The Old Bramptonians’ Association raised over £15O by means of a bazaar in support of their comforts fund on Saturday.

Civil Defence Day is to be observed throughout the country on Sunday and there will be church parades and special services.

A wreath was on Wednesday laid on the memorial to Sapper W. Hackett, Mexborough’s V C on be- half of the Tunnellers’ Old Comrades Association.

The death occurred on Friday of Mr. William Blake Johnson, of Wath-on-Dearne. He was a barrister-at-law, but had not practised for several years. He was 93.

Mr. R. A. Butler, President of the Board of Education, is to visit Darfield to the new year to perform the formal opening ceremony at the Foulstone Modern School.

Eighty young Communists, responding to the appeal of a Clayton farmer, spent last Sunday helping him to gather crops of sugar beet and potatoes which were in danger of being lost in the event of early frosts.

The water supply at Swinton remains critically short. Several householders have written to the Minister of Health, who, in reply states “that he is in urgent communication with the Swinton Council about their present difficulties.” It is hoped that these negotiations will lead to an early end of the existing trouble.